Don’t Be Fooled…

In our never-ending quest to help homeowners manage the “unknowns” of home repairs in a fair and equitable manner, we sometimes cannot believe our eyes. Don’t be fooled by what may seem to be a superfluous surface defect that can “wait ‘til later”.

In a recent elevated, large deck evaluation, the homeowner was concerned about the post supports, the galvanized metal brackets that sit between the post and the concrete support pier. They showed surface rust for certain, after almost 20 years in service, and a couple of the six supports showed blistering and oxidation expansion. Now, knowing this material, it could be surmised that this is normal wear and tear for this type of material, in this application for this period of time.

The homeowner wanted to be very safe, given the size and elevation of the deck, and the possible expense should a support failure occur, so we agreed that the support brackets should be replaced. What appeared to be fairly normal surface defects for this product in this application turned out to be much more. See the pic below of the substantially deteriorated and compromised support brackets.

It is this type of collaboration and outcome with homeowners that makes On Point Residential Services your go-to for home repairs. We deliver honest, fair and equitable quotes and work, especially when we uncover the unknowns, that most certainly can fool even the experienced, trained eye. In this case, this repair was no joke, not even on April Fool’s Day!


Let the Spring Shine In


Luck ‘O the Irish